[Money Today] KARASADAE Co.,Ltd , 2019 Korea People’s Award 2019: Broadcast Culture and Art Industry Field Innovative Beauty
가라사대 주식회사
2019-03-27 17:55
Chief Executive Officer, Jinsook, Kim of KARASADAE Co.,Ltd.(Right) is awarded 'Innovative Beauty Grand Prize' with Actor Dong-Jin, Lim (Left)
KARASADAE Co.,Ltd (Chief Executive Officer JinSook, Kim) is awarded 'Innovative Beauty Grand Prize' in Korea People’s Award 2019: Broadcast Culture and Art Industry Field on March 26th 2019 in Seoul Samjeong Hotel.
2019 Korea People's Award is hosted by Foundation The doctor was General Scholarship. They've awarded nominee of patriot of Republic of Korea contribution in the field of Politics, Economy, Social, Culture, Art ect.,.
Chief Executive Officer Jinsook, Kim of KARASADAE Co.,Ltd told "As facing Global world, we will strive to contribute raising the stature of Republic of Korea as an leading entreprenuer" and " Wishing our hope; the teenagers take the will of the Righteous Patriot JungGeun, Ahn's aimming to lead our country in the world.
출처 : https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=008&aid=0004195189